Membership Renewal
Please log in below to renew online


This section allows current members to renew their memberships online. 

Once logged in, Membership Renewal will appear on the main menu bar, to the right.  Renewal is not active until January 1st.

Need HelpDownload Renewal Directions


Please Update your Profile

Prefer using the Postal Service?

You can obtain a renewal form to print here. It includes all instructions.  If you are renewing using the regular postal service, your account will be updated by a volunteer.

Breeder Directory

If you are a member and would like to be included in the online Breeder Directory, click Breeder Directory at the Online Shop to pay the $25 annual fee.  Next step is to download the Web Listing Form: All breeders requesting to be listed must sign/execute this release the first year of their web listing. This release will be kept on filed with the BCOA, for as long as the listing is renewed. If you fail to pay the annual renewal fee in any subsequent year, your release form will lapse and you will be required to submit a new listing form along with your payment in order to be re-listed. Download the Web Listing Form Here or download this form that allows digital signatures.


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